Scratch-Off Testing
Tests are a critical factor in determining a student’s achievement and future success. Assessments push students to reason and reflect on their studies, but most importantly to think critically. With features such as Scratch-Off Testing in ExamN+, assessing online gives students the necessary functions to fully engage and learn.
The Scratch-Off Testing feature in ExamN+ allows students to retake a question. If the student selects the incorrect answer on a question, that answer will become unavailable on their next attempt. Students then may select a different answer option.
Scratch-Off Testing, also known as the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) on paper, has a point profile concept. This means the number of points is adjusted and awarded based on how many attempts it took a student to select the correct answer. The total number of points is reduced a percentage until the correct answer is selected. This gives students the ability to re-evaluate questions and determine what they need to do differently.
IF-AT has been found to be an effective form of testing. IF-AT doesn’t just assess students on what they already know, but it teaches them as well. This ensures that the last response a student gives is the correct answer, no matter how many times it took them. If the student gets the answer correct the first time, student learning and studying is reinforced immediately.
As deeper learning occurs when a test or assignment is interactive, students will have a finer understanding of the content they are testing on with Scratch-Off Testing. Immediate feedback gives the student the opportunity to reflect on their performance and think of ways to improve their scores next time. When feedback is goal focused and tangible, it is exceptionally helpful to the student. With Scratch-Off Testing, the student immediately knows if they got the question wrong. This will eliminate any false beliefs students may have over a specific topic. It reiterates the importance of the content in the assessment.
Using features such as Scratch-Off Testing to critique a student’s understanding is tremendously motivational and much more attractive to students. This type of testing is extremely engaging for students as they may still earn some credit, even after answering the question incorrectly. They will feel less defeated and have a better opportunity to retain the correct information, even if they got it wrong the first time. It is just one of the many features ExamN+ offers in order to improve student achievement.
Interested in more effective and interactive online testing features for students? Sign up for a demo with us.