Readiness Assurance Testing (RAT) is meant to determine if a student is ready or prepared to move onto the next section in class. It is broken down into two parts: Individual Readiness Assurance Testing (iRAT) and Team Readiness Assurance Testing (tRAT). The iRAT is given to the students individually, and after completion, they receive their score without knowing which ones are correct or incorrect. Then, students get into groups to take the same test. This allows students to discuss the questions and teach concepts to one another promoting team based learning. Implementing iRAT and tRAT have been very beneficial to students overall retention of information and final exam scores.
eMedley has built iRAT and tRAT into the ExamN+ module. We have made it simple to schedule tests to individuals and to groups for iRAT and tRAT. You schedule the test as iRAT/tRAT and select the students to administer the test to.
When students take the iRAT, they will be able to immediately see their score. It does not show the student which questions they missed but an overall total. This allows the students to have more honest discussions when they take the tRAT. The tRAT is available directly after seeing the score from taking the test individually. The same exact test is administered to all the students again, but at the end of the test, they will be able to see their correct and incorrect responses and discuss with their group.
tRAT has the Scratch-Off Testing feature available. This feature makes the students answer the question correctly before moving on. This allows students to answer a question, but if they answer incorrectly, that answer is no longer available to select, and they get to select again. This leads to more discussions and a better understanding of the information. Each time they select a wrong answer, the points they receive goes down, so you will still be able to see reliable data.
eMedley also has correlated a report connecting the iRAT and tRAT scores for comparison. This gives faculty a way to track each question and each student’s score. You will be able to see the difference and benefit of using tRAT after an iRAT. The report will give you an understanding of which questions work better for iRAT/tRAT and which questions shouldn’t be included. It will also help you see if the content is being learned by the students by comparing these scores.
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