Attendance and Student Performance
Does better attendance improve student performance? According to NCBI, students who attend class are more likely to perform better on homework and exams compared to students who do not attend class as often. With the implementation of eduCATE’s Attendance Tracker, student attendance and performance is likely to increase significantly.
Through eduCATE’s Attendance Tracker, professors are able to report on the attendance of a specific student or section. Customizable to the program’s needs, attendance can be tracked either by day or section.
By requiring attendance or having an attendance policy, the amount of absentee students decreases. According to a NCBI study, when an attendance policy was removed, attendance fell from 85 to 76 percent which is reported to affect students’ overall grades and GPAs.
By showing up to class, students have the chance to ask their professors and/or peers questions. This gives them the ability to understand material at a deeper, more complex level. While students may be more distracted at home or not fully paying attention, being present in class gives them the opportunity to “think more clearly about course topics.”
Not only do students simply perform better on homework and exams, they are also able to be part of a classroom community. They will be more exposed to other resources and connections that can impact their performance. As students build relationships with their peers, they are more willing to be part of conversations and active learning.
Attending class also gives students the opportunity to build connections with faculty such as their professors. By communicating with faculty, students may have a better idea of their specific strengths and weaknesses in understanding the course material. Professors are also aware of many different opportunities for students, such as internships, and may be beneficial to the students in finding success after college.
A student’s grade heavily reflects their attendance and classroom participation. With the Attendance Tracker in eduCATE, faculty members are able to run reports regarding a specific student’s attendance. Taking those reports, faculty members are then able to determine a final grade or attendance policy. eduCATE and its Attendance Tracker sets students up for success.
Interested in learning more? Check out eMedley’s eduCATE.