Evaluating Students
Evaluating Students As noted in previous blog posts, evaluations are critical to a students growth and success. As an administrator or faculty member, it is incredibly important to know how to write up beneficial evaluations. Evaluations are a good way to give students constructive criticism, but also point out the things they did well. After a […]
Attendance and Student Performance
Attendance and Student Performance Does better attendance improve student performance? According to NCBI, students who attend class are more likely to perform better on homework and exams compared to students who do not attend class as often. With the implementation of eduCATE’s Attendance Tracker, student attendance and performance is likely to increase significantly. Through eduCATE’s […]
Evaluations Gauging how material is being taught or how well students are doing in a course or session can be difficult. With evaluations, all parties involved are given an opportunity to understand how a semester is going. Through evaluations such as those completed through eMedley’s product eValuate, individuals are able to discuss what is being […]
Educate Course Feed
Educate Course Feed Educate is an intuitive, powerful, comprehensive learning management system designed for health science programs. The Course Feed is the homepage for all the needs of an instructor and a student. This homepage allows them to see a simplistic view of everything going on in class. Instructors can manage assignments, announcements, attendance and […]
Standards and Competencies
Standards and Competencies States and schools across the United States are starting to incorporate competency-based learning in their curriculum. Competency-based learning has significant benefits in relation to student learning and instructor testing. As competency-based learning is valuable, Preloaded Standards and Competencies are part of eMedley’s testing system ExamN+. Competency-based learning focuses heavily on personalized learning. […]
Smart Test Generation
Smart Test Generation To build a test for every student that covers the same material, but all the tests are different sounds impossible and too time consuming. There has always been the option to build multiple versions of the same test, but they still have the same questions but in a different order. Not only […]
Advanced Question Types
Advanced Question Types Challenging and keeping students engaged while taking online tests is critical to their mastery. These six advanced question types offered in the ExamN+ system gives students the opportunity to have an increased understanding of test material. These advanced testing types have scientifically proven benefits in relation to student success. Choice Matrix question […]
iRAT/tRAT Readiness Assurance Testing (RAT) is meant to determine if a student is ready or prepared to move onto the next section in class. It is broken down into two parts: Individual Readiness Assurance Testing (iRAT) and Team Readiness Assurance Testing (tRAT). The iRAT is given to the students individually, and after completion, they receive […]
Scratch-Off Testing
Scratch-Off Testing Tests are a critical factor in determining a student’s achievement and future success. Assessments push students to reason and reflect on their studies, but most importantly to think critically. With features such as Scratch-Off Testing in ExamN+, assessing online gives students the necessary functions to fully engage and learn. The Scratch-Off Testing feature […]
Paper-Based vs. Computer-Based Testing
Are you tired of sorting paper tests, grading answers by hand, and inputting responses into your gradebook one-by-one? We don’t blame you. Many university academic programs are turning to computer-based testing and assessments, utilizing the help of automated proctoring to free up faculty resources lost with paper-based testing. Having the ability to test multiple […]